Useful information Архиви - Spinor Bulgaria

Useful information

Мониторите на лаптопи като източници на ЕМИ

Notebook monitors as sources of EMF

Notebook monitors with cathode-ray tube (CRT) are sources of electrostatic fields, X-rays, ultraviolet and infrared rays, and (over-) low-frequency electromagnetic radiation. The question of the possible […]
Компютрите и детското здраве

Computers and child health

Computers and child health is a serious problem in modern societies, of which deserve special attention. Today, in the modern world there is a very powerful […]
Въздействието на персоналните компютри върху човешкия организъм

Impact of personal computers on the human body

The heart and brain are peculiar generators of electromagnetic and torsion fields and whole body there radiates its own unique torsion field (called by Birden “scalar […]

Known basic risk factors for health disorders

The problem of the negative influence of computer on human health is solved in two ways. This is not false articulated problem since accumulated a lot […]