Damage of the base stations Архиви - Spinor Bulgaria

Damage of the base stations

Damage of the base stations of mobile operators

Damage from the base stations of mobile operators is not a new problem facing modern man. Emanations of them are everywhere and affect people in cities across the majority of their daily lives. Fortunately, many years doing research on the risks of their influence and develop protective devices to protect human health.

The following articles are devoted to all aspects of this question: risks damage surveys, equipment protection, etc.


Protective devices. Device “Vernada”

Mobile phones base stations – sources of techno pathogenic emissions The negative impact of tehno patogenic areas of special geodynamic zones is growing more and more […]

Problem of the harmful effects of modern technology and pathogenic zones electromagnetic radiation

With the publication of this report, Spinor Bulgaria undertooks to publish in agreement with our colleagues from the Spinor International, aim to illustrate the seriousness of […]

Harmful effects of relay antennas

Harmful effects of the relay antennas and wind turbines on human health and animals Development of new technologies such as wind turbines or relay antennas that […]
вредни влияния върху човека и животните

Examples of harmful effects on living organisms

Examples of harmful effects on living organisms caused by natural environment and human Five examples studied by author 1.Farm milk production in Finistère It comes to […]