Damage of mobile phones Архиви - Spinor Bulgaria

Damage of mobile phones

Damage of mobile phones is still the subject of research by ramming scientists as technology improves and protection from the harmful impact it must comply with the pace of scientific progress. Fortunately, there are devices that can neutralize the influence of for electromagnetic radiation on humans and they are designed so as to operate in GSM phones, smartphones, all kinds of mobile phones and devices that are currently in use.

See articles containing information about the health risks, research scientists from different fields and the security that neutralize harmful radiations.


Protective devices. Sticker “Spinor”

Employees of “Spinor International” (Kiev, Ukraine) were able to develop devices to protect man from the mobile phones torsion fields (TF) developed a diffraction grating with […]
смъртоносното въздействие на мобилните телефони над човешкия ембрион

Mobile phones – the modern scourge of birth

Deadly electromagnetic radiation of mobile phones on the human embryo In 70-80s of the last century in many developed countries began to note an increase in […]