Component of bending of electromagnetic waves Архиви - Page 2 of 2 - Spinor Bulgaria

Component of bending of electromagnetic waves

The component of deflection of the electromagnetic waves is a dynamic field of curvature that occur in the presence of electromagnetic waves. These fields bending are manifestations of the saturation of the ground by the impact of relay antennas or wind turbines on its natural forces.

The following publications bring clarity on this topic, explain the term “component of bending electromagnetic waves”, its history, its discovery by scientists and ways to counter-injury.


Telluric network – the actions of planet Earth

Our planet Earth is in a constant state of action. Evidence for this are many: the earth quakes, volcanoes erupt, the compass shows north, tides alternate […]

How to overcome the pollution of the environment

Sustainable development and new pollution caused by human “Development, which seeks to respond to the needs of the present do not compromise the ability of future […]
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